Shetland Library
1279 Shetland Rd, R.R.#2, Florence, Ontario, N0P 1R0
People of the Ice
Carlos Ferrand & Jean Lemire
2003 | 52 min
This feature documentary explores the threats of global warming to the Arctic environment that has nurtured the Inuit for 4,000 years. The Inuit have lived in harmony on this frozen landscape for generations. Today, global warming threatens their habitat. As the ice disappears, so does the Inuit culture it is intimately connected to. Ever-changing temperatures have even made predicting the Arctic climate difficult. Will this extraordinarily resilient people be able to adjust to such dramatic change?
If the Weather Permits
Elisapie Isaac
2003 | 27 min
This short documentary studies life in the village of Kangirsujuaq, Nunavik. In this community on the edge of the Arctic Ocean, children’s laughter fills the streets while the old people ponder the passage of time. They are nomads of the wide-open spaces who are trying to get used to the strange feeling of staying put. While the teenagers lap up “southern” culture and play golf on the tundra to kill time, the elders are slowly dying, as their entire culture seems fade away.
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