Collingwood Public LIbrary
55 Saint Marie St., Collingwood, ON, L9Y 0W6
As part of THE NFB IN LIBRARIES, the Collingwood Public Library is offering a free screening of the following films for the National Indigenous Language Day:
Mary Two-Axe Earley: Skonkwehón:We Á:Re (Kanien’kéha Version) | Courtney Montour | 2021 | 34 min
Mary Two-Axe Earley: Skonkwehón:we Á:re kaká:raton ne Mary Two-Axe Earley akoká:ra, ísi’ nón: ne teiohseráhsen iakohskehnhà:’on taié:tahste’ tsi shakotikenhrón:nis konnonkwehón:we né:ne í:kare’ Kakoráhsera’ aoianerénhsera’ Indian Act nok tsi wa’ehsennowáhnha’ né: Canada’s women’s rights movement.
Montour teiotíhthare’ Iehrhakón:ha iakorihwahskéhnhen Nellie Carlson, ne Mary akwáh ákta tsi ionátshi tánon’ iakotahsnié:nen tsi tionatáhsawe’ ne Indian Rights for Indian Women, nok áhsen nikahwatsiratátie’ tehonatátken ne Mary tsi iekhonnià:tha’ ne Kahnawà:ke, né: ká:ti’ ahshakotihsennakará:tate’ ní:kon iakoterihwakanonnì:’on tsi tiakotenenhratáhsawe’ aontahontén:rohwe’ akaia’takehnhahtsherénhawe’ aonsonteríhsi’ tsi rotirihón:ni ne tóhsa ahontatena’tónhkhwake’ onkwehón:we ne ioshentsheró:ton nihá:ti konnonkwehón:we nok ronwatiien’okòn:’a.
Mary Two-Axe Earley: I Am Indian Again shares the powerful story of Mary Two-Axe Earley, who fought for more than two decades to challenge sex discrimination against First Nations women embedded in Canada’s Indian Act and became a key figure in Canada’s women’s rights movement.
Montour speaks with Cree activist Nellie Carlson, Mary’s lifelong friend and co-founder of Indian Rights for Indian Women, and meets with three generations in Mary’s kitchen in Kahnawà:ke to honour the legacy of a woman who galvanized a national network of allies to help restore Indian status to thousands of First Nations women and children.
Evanniup Kilautinga (Inuktitut Version) | Ossie Michelin | 2021 | 14 min
lkullagaittuk nukappiak, pigumatsiajullu anânanga Kilautijagiamik isumaKatsialutik pitsiagumajok ilagellutik Happy Valley-Goose Baymi ‘Evanniup Kilautinga’ Kuvianattuk pulâgiagvik ilaget angigangani, uKilliumititsitluni ilikKusigijattinik. Akunialuk nipaKalaugunnaimat tamanna, pinguatauninga Kilautik utisimalimmijuk Labradorimi, tainna Evanni sepaKatuinnatuk pinguaKatausongunialittuk mânna, ommatinga sangijonialittilugu.
For more info and to register to the event, click here.