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Halifax Central Library
5440 Spring Garden Rd, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 1E9

As part of THE NFB IN LIBRARIES annual programming, the Halifax Central Library is offering a free screening of In Full Voice (Saïda Ouchaou-Ozarowski |
2021 | 52 min) :

Trapped in a straightjacket of misconceptions about them created by headlines and stories in the news, Muslim women are often seen as disruptive, scheming or polarizing. But while the media tend to portray them as submissive and silenced, filmmaker Saïda Ouchaou-Ozarowski has rejected these blatant stereotypes. She sat down with six Muslim Canadian women who were eager to talk about what shapes their identities. The resulting documentary, In Full Voice, offers an intimate perspective on the journey taken by these women, all of whom share a desire to convey their vision of Islam.

Please visit organiser’s website for more info :


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