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Cinéma du parc
3575, avenue du Parc suite 6100, Montreal, Quebec, H2X 3P9


Through the grassroots campaign of electoral hopeful Rosa Iris, Stateless reveals the depths of racial hatred and institutionalized oppression that divide Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Produced by Hispaniola Productions in co-production with the National Film Board of Canada.

A film by Michèle Stephenson

Stateless At Cinéma du ParcFriday, August 20
Original version in Spanish and Haitian Creole with English subtitles

Followed by a pre-recorded Q&A with filmmaker Michèle Stephenson, moderated by Julie Barbeau.
Info / Tickets

ApatridesAt Cinéma du MuséeFriday, August 20
Original version in Spanish and Haitian Creole with French subtitles

Followed by a live Q&A with filmmakers Frantz Voltaire and Jean Jean, moderated by Julie Barbeau.
Info / Tickets


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